I am pleased to report that the free Mormon Channel iPhone application is now available. This application allows iPhone users to tune into content being broadcast on the Mormon Channel, as well as listen to audio recordings of General Conference addresses, magazine articles, and the Church’s standard works. This application also works on the iPod Touch.
We are working on something similar for other mobile phones.

Get the Mormon Channel iPhone app
Great news! Hopefully plthe other cells phones include domething for the android marketplace!
Sorry about all the errors, was typing from my mobile device
I think the radio is a great idea. Is there or will there be a URL so you can play the radio using any audio player? Because I don’t like to have a browser window with a flash player open all the time because flash uses a lot of cpu on my computer.
I believe an Android version is being worked on.
The biggest feature that I would like to request is the ability to bookmark certain chapters of the scriptures so that I can keep track of my scripture listening progression.
Also, it would also be great to have the audio for the Joseph Smith manual.
I’m disappointed that it won’t run on my 1st gen ipod touch with the 3.0 OS. Any plans to change the requirements?
We are working on updates for this app that resolve many of the issues being reported. The first update is already in the Apple approval process.
Yay, finally an MP3 stream is available. I can now listen on my internet radio.
Oh, wait. No it hasn’t. Grr.