Below are two wordles (word clouds) of the text from the LDS General Women’s meeting held March 29, 2014. These wordles show the frequency of use of words (except words like it, the,and and). More frequently-used words are in larger type size.
Read the text or watch the videos from the LDS General Women’s meeting.
See wordles from the April 2014 LDS General Conference.
Why doesn’t Jesus and Christ have colors that allow them to stand out since the frequency of use was high?
I agree with W.j. on April 20, 2014 about words Jesus and Christ being high frequency but virtually invisible because they are so dim and colorless. Artists know the human eye is designed to see the most visible colors and objects.
I wonder if your algorithm could be tweaked to darken or color references Jesus and/or Christ when their frequency of use merits it.