provides tools to make it easier for leaders to schedule meetings and lessons, create directories, and communicate this information to members.
Stakes, wards, and branches in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand previously had access to “Stake and Ward Websites,” but those were discontinued in 2012 because new, improved features are now available on
Now these great tools on are available in 10 languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Units worldwide may use the stake and ward Calendar, Directory, Lesson Schedules, and Newsletter on, which you’ll find by clicking Sign In/Tools. (Please note that these tools are turned off in a few countries because of privacy laws.)
- Calendar ( shows events, meetings, and other activities. Specific calendars can be set up for each organization in the ward or stake. The calendar can also be used to reserve rooms in meetinghouses. The calendar is only viewable by members residing within the ward, branch, stake, or district. Watch video tutorials on how to use the Calendar.
- Directory ( shows addresses and contact information for members and leaders in your ward and stake. The information comes directly from the Member and Leader Services (MLS) software. Members and leaders both have access to update their phone numbers, e-mail addresses, photos, and data privacy settings. The directory is only viewable by Church members residing within the ward, branch, stake, or district. Learn about using the Directory. Learn how to add photos to the Directory.
- Lesson Schedules ( allows wards and branches to schedule priesthood and auxiliary lessons so members know which lesson will be taught each Sunday. Learn more about Lesson Schedules. Note: The Lesson Schedules function on will be discontinued effective December 31, 2016. Please use other means to manage lesson schedules, such as printed lists, email, or other online programs. Guidelines for using online resources in Church callings may be found at (Learn why the tool was discontinued.)
- Newsletter ( is a blog-like site for ward and stake leaders to provide news and messages to members. This is an online alternative to paper or e-mail newsletters. Learn more about the Newsletter. See the Newsletter How-to Guide.
In addition to accessing these tools from the Sign In/Tools menu on, you can also view the Calendar and Directory from the LDS Tools mobile application (see in several languages, with more languages to be available in the coming months.
There is no doubt that these tools are amazing for keeping track of your own congregation.
The disconnect we have found is that with the old system, when one is traveling and looking up a ward to attend, we used to be able to go through mormon .org and see the old ward homepage, and note the right-hand bar for upcoming stake conferences, etc. Now, there is no obvious way to check another ward’s schedule remotely, so we end up having to call to see whether they are meeting that Sunday. I feel bad to bother the bishop over something so trivial. But we’ve driven miles into a town, only to show up at an empty ward building.
Is there a capacity for checking that info about a ward outside one’s own stake?
Naismith, You make a great point, but the decision was made to only let ward and stake members see the calendar. One of the issues was a security concern. Potentially a thief could see when people in the ward would be at a conference or ward function. Or a stalker could see when the youth would be at a certain place. But at least you can call the bishop to verify that meetings will be held.
You can see when wards are meeting at Just search for an address or ward, click on the building and it will show you who is meeting when. Won’t help with stake conference though, and maybe that was your frustration… But hey, that’s only twice a year.
I recommend you call the Help desk at 800-453-3860, extension 4357, and they should be able to help you with it.