“Glorious” Supercut Submissions from Meet the Mormons

Submit Your Entry for “Glorious” Supercut Contest

Last week, I invited you to enter the contest to record yourself singing your own version of the song “Glorious” from the soundtrack of the movie Meet the Mormons. Below are examples from a few people who have entered. You have until Nov. 7 to submit yours. Learn more...
“Glorious” Supercut Submissions from Meet the Mormons

“Glorious” Supercut Invitation from David Archuleta

You are invited to record yourself singing your own version of the song “Glorious” from the soundtrack of the movie Meet the Mormons. Submit your recording to win fun prizes and you might even be included in a supercut video featuring David and people from...
LDS Missionaries Release Cover of “Glorious”

LDS Missionaries Release Cover of “Glorious”

LDS missionaries released a cover of “Glorious” on Facebook this week. The video features LDS missionaries serving in the England London Mission singing the popular song from Meet The Mormons. Sister Holly Jordan, wife of England London Mission President...
Glorious in Spanish from Meet The Mormons

Glorious in Spanish from Meet The Mormons

The song “Glorious” is featured in the movie Meet the Mormons. David Archuleta did a music video of the soundtrack, and then invited others to contribute to a supercut music video. Two of the contributors to that supercut, Elenyi and Masa Fukuda of One Voice...
Thanks to Loyal LDS365 Readers 2014

Thanks to Loyal LDS365 Readers 2014

Thanks to all you loyal readers of LDS365.com for a great year! You are one of nearly a quarter of a million unique visitors to this site in the past year. Although most of you live in the USA (83%), some of you have visited this site from 204 different countries. The...

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