Share LDS Magazines

Share LDS Magazines

“The good spirit in [Church] magazines will help fill your homes with warmth, love, and the strength of the gospel.” (Elder L. Tom Perry, “The Importance of the Family,” Liahona, May 2003, 42). “Church magazines are an important segment of the authoritative voice of...
Improve your Education or Employment

Improve your Education or Employment

  Special Magazine on Employment & Education Did you know that there is a special issue of the New Era magazine that focuses on helping youth seek knowledge and become self-sufficient? The articles include advice on finding success in school and future...
New Era Magazine Wants Your Photos

New Era Magazine Wants Your Photos

The New Era magazine kicked off the year with 4 unique covers on the January 2013 issue. The inside of the magazine is the same, but subscribers will randomly receive one of the 4 different covers. This is part of a new effort from the magazine to ask youth worldwide...
Resolution #4: Keep a Journal

Resolution #4: Keep a Journal

This is one of a series of articles with suggested resolutions for the new year. See the other suggested resolutions. The article “Thinking outside the Book” in the November New Era magazine (pages 40-42) discussed several creative ways to keep a record of...
Gifts You Can’t Wrap

Gifts You Can’t Wrap

The article “Gifts You Can’t Wrap” (read text or see PDF) from this month’s New Era magazine reminds us that some of the greatest gifts we can give at Christmas are those we can’t wrap. Here are some unforgettable gifts that young people can give...
Special Magazine on Missionary Preparation

Special Magazine on Missionary Preparation

I’m sure you were as thrilled as I was about the announcement in LDS General Conference about the lowered age for missionaries (men can now serve at age 18 and women at age 19). Did you know that there is a special issue of the New Era magazine that is focused...
New Era Special Issue About Duty to God, Personal Progress

New Era Special Issue About Duty to God, Personal Progress

The September issue of the New Era is now available online in text and PDF formats and subscribers should be receiving their copies any day. This special issue of the New Era focuses on the Personal Progress and Duty to God programs. The issue is a reversible magazine...
Why Read Church Magazines?

Why Read Church Magazines?

Why read the Ensign magazine? Watch this video about how the Ensign is prepared. This video was created soon after the redesign of the Liahona (and thus the other magazines) to let Ensign readers know of the changes, encourage them to read the Ensign, and solicit...
QR Codes in New Era Magazine

QR Codes in New Era Magazine

The May issue of the New Era magazine contains several quick-response (QR) codes that, when scanned with a barcode application on a smartphone, take you directly to videos, articles, and websites. For example, on page 3, there is a QR code that takes you to the video...

LDS Magazines Online

Have you noticed that the June issues of the Ensign, Liahona, Friend, and New Era magazines are now online? So, if you want to prepare a home teaching or visiting teaching message in advance, you will now have access to the magazines each month by the 20th of the...
40 Years of Church Magazines

40 Years of Church Magazines

This year, the Friend, New Era, and Ensign each celebrate 40 years of publication. Before the magazines were the Friend, New Era, and Ensign, there was the Young Woman’s Journal (first published in 1890), the Improvement Era (1898), the Juvenile Instructor (1901), the...
New Era: General Conference for Youth

New Era: General Conference for Youth

The November 2010 issue of the New Era magazine is now online. This issue features a special 18-page section titled “General Conference is for You,” which helps teens study and learn from the conference messages. It includes: Quotes and stories from the conference...

Your Path to Continuing Education Videos

Youth should check out the video series Your Path to Continuing Education on the Mormon New Era Message channel on YouTube. Below is part 1 of this 11-part series. The April 2009 New Era magazine is devoted to the topic of education and careers.
Facebook is Huge

Facebook is Huge

Every day, the social networking giant Facebook is becoming a larger part of the overall Internet experience. More than 175 million people have joined since its founding in 2005, and its users contribute millions of pieces of content every day. Every day in February...

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