by Larry Richman | Dec 25, 2017
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” MATTHEW 5:16 Jesus is the Light of the World, but every person can shine their own light into the world. Follow His example and be a light in the lives...
by Larry Richman | Dec 24, 2017
“Ye must watch and pray always.” 3 NEPHI 18:15 Prayer is the natural communication between God the Father and His beloved children. He has promised to answer the prayers of those who humbly ask for them. Has something small or big worked out for you today? Recognize...
by Larry Richman | Dec 23, 2017
“I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” MATTHEW 25:36 There are many kinds of prisons, including physical institutions as well as mental afflictions and addiction. Reach out to those who are feeling trapped and let them know they’re not alone. Do you know someone...
by Larry Richman | Dec 22, 2017
“That which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do.” 3 NEPHI 27:21 No one who has ever lived provided a more suitable pattern for life than Jesus Christ. As we seek to emulate him, we will improve our own lives and the lives of people around us. What is your...
by Larry Richman | Dec 21, 2017
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat.” MATTHEW 25:35 If you’ve never truly had nothing to eat, perhaps you’ve been spiritually hungry. As Jesus Christ did, you can help those who stand in need of both kinds of nourishment. Have you ever been really...
by Larry Richman | Dec 20, 2017
“A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” LUKE 12:15 Sometimes distractions can get in the way of appreciating the most important things in life. Eliminating these distractions can go a long way toward leading a more fulfilling...
by Larry Richman | Dec 19, 2017
“Rejoice, and be exceeding glad.” MATTHEW 5:12 God love us and wants us to be happy. You have many reasons to be happy, even if you don’t realize them all. You can also find joy in life by helping others to feel joy. Who do you know that could use some joy in their...
by Larry Richman | Dec 18, 2017
“Forgive men their trespasses.” MATTHEW 6:14 When you allow anger or resentment to last, it never leads to happiness. Make amends with people before you let your bitterness destroy important relationships. Does someone really get on your nerves? Write down all of that...
by Larry Richman | Dec 17, 2017
“Ye shall meet together oft.” 3 NEPHI 18:22 The Lord commanded that His followers should meet together often to strengthen one another. This applies not only to church congregations but also to families and communities. When was the last time you attended a church...
by Larry Richman | Dec 16, 2017
“[I was] naked, and ye clothed me.” MATTHEW 25:36 Along with things like food or shelter, many people need new clothes to keep them warm or replace their old ones. You can share with them to help them get what they need. Recently purchased some new clothes? Donate...
by Larry Richman | Dec 15, 2017
“Blessed are the merciful.” MATTHEW 5:7 With His sacrifice on our behalf, Christ is the greatest example of mercy. We can follow His example by showing mercy and compassion to others wherever we can. Does someone owe you a debt? Figure out a meaningful way to ease...
by Larry Richman | Dec 14, 2017
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” MATTHEW 6:21 There’s nothing wrong with having worldly possessions, as long as we don’t lose sight of more important things. When we focus on what really matters and serve others, we can find real happiness....
by Larry Richman | Dec 13, 2017
“All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” MATTHEW 7:12 Some people call this the Golden Rule, and if everyone followed it, the world would be a better place: Do unto others what you want them to do to you. Have you seen someone...
by Larry Richman | Dec 12, 2017
“Blessed are they that mourn.” MATTHEW 5:4 Life sometimes gives us reasons to mourn. Everyone sometimes needs a shoulder to cry on. If we want to be Christlike, we should comfort those who mourn. Do you know someone that’s recently lost a loved one? Offer to provide...
by Larry Richman | Dec 12, 2017
Enjoy this music video, “I’d Sing you a Song,” a Christmas song for children by Shawna Edwards. It is a simple song that children enjoy singing. This is one of several Christmas music videos Shawna has made. Shawna describes herself as a “full-time wife and...