by David Nielson | Apr 7, 2009
The following video featuring the newest Apostle, Elder Neil L. Andersen, is now available on the Mormon Messages YouTube channel.
by David Nielson | Apr 5, 2009
Mormon Messages (the Church’s YouTube channel) has posted a new video from Elder Gérald Caussé who teaches us how simple it can be to understand the gospel, no matter our age or intellectual capacity. Please watch, rate, comment, and then share with others....
by David Nielson | Mar 28, 2009
A new Mormon Messages video called “A Book with a Promise” by Elder Craig C. Christensen is now available. Please view, rate, and comment. [youtube][/youtube]
by David Nielson | Mar 20, 2009
As a follow-up to the recent Why Mormons Build Temples video which has had over 310,000 views, the Church has posted a new video titled The Blessings of the Temple. It provides additional information on how temples bless individuals and families....
by David Nielson | Mar 12, 2009
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has created a short video that explains the purpose of Mormon temples. Please consider posting this video to your Facebook profile, blog, or personal website and/or sharing it directly with family and friends. Thank...
by David Nielson | Mar 10, 2009
Over the weekend, the MormonMessages YouTube channel was awarded two distinctions—#9 most-subscribed channel (this week) and #29 most-subscribed channel (this month). We continue to receive an overwhelmingly positive response to these weekly video offerings. Between...
by David Nielson | Feb 26, 2009
Last weekend, the new MormonMessages YouTube channel was identified as the #62 most-watched YouTube channel. This occurred largely because of the response to President Uchtdorf’s inspiring video (shown below)....
by David Nielson | Jan 16, 2009
A recent survey conducted by LiveRail found that young adults (18-24) now spend more time watching Web-distributed video than broadcast television. LiveRail concluded that this trend was largely due to an increase in the availability of quality, long-form content from...
by David Nielson | Sep 30, 2008
I have always believed that movies (and storytelling in general) can be a powerful force for good by teaching correct principles in an engaging manner. I recently came across a fun list on UnSpun by Amazon called Best Positive/Uplifting Movies Ever. The community...
by David Nielson | Jun 20, 2008
In looking at some research data from a recent Pew study, I concluded that we’ve got a lot of work to do in clearing up misconceptions about the Church and just generally making people aware of what we actually believe. According to this study of 1,461 American...
by David Nielson | Jun 16, 2008
I am a huge movie buff. I love most types of movies–action, comedy, drama, science fiction, fantasy, historical, mystery, even romance if I am in the right mood. The only problem with this love of movies is that I also feel very strongly about not inviting...