Editor’s Note: The venues for watching Six Days in August are listed at JustWatch.
The new film Six Days in August will be released in theatres October 10, 2024. This movie chronicles the important period in August 1844 following the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, when Sidney Rigdon and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, led by Brigham Young, stated their respective claims for leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Saints had never before experienced the death of a president of the Church. This was uncharted territory.
The movie is produced by the Interpreter Foundation, which also produced the films Witnesses, Undaunted, and the Witnesses Video Series.
Watch a trailer for the new movie Six Days in August:
Please plan to watch the movie opening weekend, beginning October 10, to support great movies like this!
est ce possible d’avoir la traduction du film en français?
We would love to get this as well as your other films on video so we can watch them at home, later!
“Witnesses” and :Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon” are available through Deseret Bookstore and Amazon. They can also be streamed via a number of sites including Liivng Scriptures, Amazon, and others.