
FamilySearch offers digital records on more than 11.5 billion people from over 200 countries and principalities in more than 100 languages. But how can people search and find the information they need in all these records?

Although you can view images of these records online, 80% of these records still need to be indexed so that people can search for and find them. And many of those languages are difficult for people to index.

One solution to speed up the process is computer-assisted indexing using artificial intelligence. Computer-assisted indexing does not replace human indexers—it augments them. It lets the computers to do what the computers are really good at, so that the people can do the things that only people can do. The computer reads the document and tries to understand what it’s reading. But then humans need to teach the computer what to look at and correct the mistakes the computer makes so it can keep getting better.

To learn more about computer-assisted indexing, read the Church News article “A look at how computer-assisted indexing is unlocking records on FamilySearch for people worldwide.”



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