For some time, the Church has had an employment page on (  Learn about the information and helps available on the employment page on

The Church has now launched a new LDS Employment Web Site at, designed to help members access employment, education, and self-employment opportunities.

Key Features

  • Job opportunities
  • Community resources
  • Effective job search tips
  • Easy posting of new jobs Can Help Leaders

  • Keep up-to-date on members’ employment needs and progress.
  • Coordinate stake and ward career efforts with employment center staff.
  • Help members find better employment, learn about education opportunities, utilize small-business resources, and share opportunities with others.

Suggestions for Church Leaders

  • Create an account on
  • Encourage members, including the ward council, to become familiar with the site.
  • Share job postings or opportunities with unemployed members.
  • Help members complete profiles and develop career plans.
  • Coach members in achieving their action plans.
  • Record the members’ progress in the online notes.
  • Discuss the members’ progress in ward council meetings.
  • Contact the employment resource center staff for additional training.
  • Learn more about LDS Employment Resource Services and by contacting the employment resource center nearest you.

You can also access the site through the menu by choosing Resources, then Welfare, and then Employment.

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