Talk About Saving Money-cover-front

If your New Year’s resolutions involve budgeting money more carefully, download a free copy of the book Talk About Saving Money: How to Save on Food, Utilities, Car Expenses, Mortgage, and Health Care.

In this 50-page book, you’ll find tips on the following:

  • Food: How to buy quantities of food and other necessities when they are on sale, and store them to use over several months. Eventually, you’ll have a whole room full of items that were purchased on sale and you won’t have paid full retail prices.
  • Utilities: Easy but effective ideas that can drastically reduce your energy consumption and save money on your utility bills for electricity, heating, cooling, water, telephone, mobile phone, cable TV, and Internet.
  • Car Expenses: How to reduce your monthly expenses for gas, maintenance, repairs, insurance, and loan payments.
  • Home Mortgage: Ideas on paying off your mortgage in a shorter amount of time, reducing your monthly payment by eliminating mortgage insurance premiums, or refinancing at a lower rate.
  • Health Care: How to find the right health insurance plan; how to manage your doctor, dentist, and hospital; and how to get the best prices on prescriptions, eye glasses, and contact lenses.

This book is connected with the website, which provides smart ideas to make your money go further, from entertainment to food, and gadgets to travel.

You can also purchase a printed copy or Kindle edition of the book on Amazon.


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