
Due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Church announced that Church recreational properties in the United States and Canada used for youth camps and conferences are closed until further notice. In addition, all treks and Church pageants are canceled for 2020.

Ward and Stake Camps and Youth Conferences

As directed by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, all public gatherings of Church members are suspended worldwide until further notice. This includes Aaronic Priesthood quorum camp, Young Women camp, and other overnight youth conferences. If customary camps and conferences are not held, local leaders may want to consider technology-based experiences that would provide youth with fun and meaningful opportunities to connect with one another.

When the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles approve gatherings, local priesthood and Young Women leaders may organize youth conference activities at Church meetinghouses. If overnight youth camps and conferences are desired, Church-owned facilities, where available, should be used before considering non-Church properties. Guidelines for such activities will be provided at the time restrictions are lifted. Leaders should not plan treks for 2020.

Church Pageants

  • The Nauvoo Pageant will not be held in 2020. It will be held July 6–31, 2021, and will continue in future years.
  • The Hill Cumorah Pageant will not be held in 2020. Although it was originally scheduled to end in 2020, it will be performed for the final season July 8–10, 13–17, 2021.

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