
The Church’s Safety and Health page has published resources to promote safe driving:

When You’re Driving, DRIVE!

When you’re behind the wheel, anything that diverts your attention from the road can lead to distracted driving. Check out these examples of distracted driving and see if any have happened to you.

Download: SmallMediumLarge

Teenagers and treats go hand in hand. But if an activity involves food, eat first and then drive.

Download: SmallMediumLarge

Put down your phone and drive. Don’t let electronics get in the way of a safe trip.

Download: SmallMediumLarge

Dance party in your car? Sorry, as the driver you aren’t invited until you put the car in park. Then you can break out your awesome moves and show ‘em what you’ve got.

Download: SmallMediumLarge

What’s happening out of the window is more important than what’s looking back at you in the mirror. So tune out the distractions and keep your eyes on the road.

Want to show these clips to your youth groups? They’re all included in one video here:

Download: SmallMediumLarge

Here are some distractions to avoid while driving:

  • Texting
  • Using a cell phone or smartphone
  • Eating and drinking
  • Grooming
  • Reading, including maps, billboards, and signs
  • Using a navigation system
  • Watching a video
  • Adjusting a radio, CD player, or music player
  • Looking at Scenery
  • Watching other vehicles
  • Reaching for something
  • Controlling children or pets

If you can’t play or download the videos above, go to the Church Safety and Health video page.

Play It Safe This Summer

Church activities gear up during the summer. Learn about the resources available on to keep everyone safe.

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