early-lds-missionaries-databaseA new database titled “Early Mormon Missionaries” features information about all known full-time proselytizing Mormon missionaries who served between 1830 and 1930.

In addition to basic information such as names, dates of service, and mission locations, it includes links to thousands of documents—journals, letters, newspaper articles, photographs, and more—that will help you better understand the experience of early missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

You can also contribute information and sources about your ancestors to the database.

The database was created by the Church History Department, in partnership with FamilySearch and the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University. It is one of several products produced by the Church History Department that cater to family historians, including the Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel database, the premier source for information about the 19th-century Mormon migration.

Explore the database at history.lds.org/missionary.


Learn more by reading the article “New Church History Database Lists Early Missionaries from 1830 to 1930.”

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