About 6 months ago, James Curran (also known as Jamesthemormon) woke up with a strong feeling to start making original music, and to have that original music tell the truths of the restored gospel. He raps as a hobby, but doesn’t consider himself a rapper.
For his first song, he decided to start with the doctrine of the Restoration. He was uncomfortable with the idea of writing a rap song about such a sacred topic, but the promptings kept coming and everything fell into place.
Watch his music video “Restoration:”
The song has been an inspiration to many. James explains why he is sharing his talent: “This is just a testimony to me that God has given us all talents. Each and everyone of us has a God given talent, and its purpose is to do good, bring others closer to Christ, and to spread the news of the Restored Gospel. I’m not saying go make rap videos. But seek out what it is, then live your life in a way that out Heavenly Father can prompt you what to do with it.”
James plans to release songs regularly from the missionary lessons. He has created some funny videos, such as “An LDS Addiction” and serious videos, such as “You Should Watch Conference.”
Here’s a list of other member-created videos I’ve shared. If you find other videos you think I should share, please post a comment below.