The full experience is available in 10 languages, but some content is available in over 100 languages. To access these pages, click the word “English” in the top right corner of and select a language.
Recent improvements to in languages includes the following:
- Now you can navigate within in more languages.
- You can search for content in your language and get search results in your language.
- Content in more languages has been added.
(Note: Gospel Library mobile app also just added more content in Spanish and Portuguese, such as the Hymns and Preach My Gospel guidebook and teaching pamphlets.)
The following language pages were recently updated on
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Armenian
- Bislama
- Bulgarian
- Cambodian/Khmer
- Cebuano
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Estonian
- Fante
- Fiji, Hindi
- Fijian
- Finnish
- Georgian
- Greek
- Haitian Creole
- Hiligaynon
- Hmong
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Ilokano
- Indonesian
- Kazakh
- Kiribati
- Kosraean
- Laotian
- Latvian
- Lingala
- Lithuanian
- Malagasy
- Malay
- Marshallese
- Mongolian
- Norwegian
- Papiamento
- Polish
- Romanian
- Samoan
- Serbian
- Shona
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Tahitian
- Thai
- Tongan
- Turkish
- Twi
- Ukrainian
- Vietnamese
- Xhosa
- Zulu
The following language pages on will be updated soon:
- Arabic
- Aymara
- Chuukese
- Efik
- Guarani
- Hindi
- Igbo
- Kekchi
- K’iche’
- Myanmar/Burmese
- Navajo
- Paluan
- Pohnpeian
- Quechua, Peru
- Quichua, Ecuador
- Simplified Chinese
- Sinhala
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Tswana
- Urdu
- Yapese
- Yoruba
No Spanish version of PMG on my Android Gospel Library. Hymns and pamphlets are there.