FamilySearch has announced they have reached a milestone in their collection of Family History Books. 100,000 books have now been scanned by the partnership of the Family History Library, Allen County Public Library, and several others of the most important family history libraries in the world.
These family history books are online and available to search and use on the website. The majority of the books online are family histories with a smaller portion made up of cemetery records, local and county histories, genealogy magazines and how-to-books, gazetteers, and medieval histories and pedigrees. These digitized family history books are accessed by more than 100,000 people a month who are researching family histories.
This resource was developed jointly by FamilySearch and the Church History Catalog. Find even more books in the Church History Catalog (
The link to the books is not working :{
Tried to access several books but links don’t work…
Lynnette and Lourdes,
The links work for me. For example, if you go to the Church History Catalog, you can click on a book in the list, then the book cover shows up on the right. Just click the book cover and you can see the inside pages and click through them.
Why can some books only be accessed when you are at listed library or family history center?