by Larry Richman | Jun 19, 2020
Father’s Day is that one special day every year to celebrate the fathers in your life. It can look different for everyone, whether you’re celebrating your father, spouse, step-father, brother, or a role model. The FamilySearch blog provides a list of “20...
by Larry Richman | Jun 15, 2018
Enjoy this Father’s Day video, “I Love Being a Dad Because…,” featuring Hank Smith, Ty Detmer, Brad Wilcox, and other awesome LDS dads. How would you finish this sentence “I LOVE BEING A DAD BECAUSE…”? Awesome LDS dads share...
by Larry Richman | Jun 16, 2017
On Father’s Day, let’s give a huge thank-you to dads—something we don’t do enough. In the video “Fatherhood- WHAT WE DON’T TALK ABOUT ENOUGH!,” Al Fox Carraway encourages us to show our appreciation to fathers. “Let’s...
by Larry Richman | Jun 15, 2017
For Father’s Day, enjoy this video “All The Reasons We Love Dad” from the blog. Dear Dad, here are just a few of the countless reasons we’re so glad you’re ours. Thanks for being our teacher, our support, and our friend. Happy Father’s Day....
by Larry Richman | Jun 17, 2016
For Father’s Day, enjoy the video Earthly Father, Heavenly Father from the Church. Men on earth have the opportunity to become fathers and experience some of the same joys that our Heavenly Father feels for us. Fatherhood is a divine responsibility to be...
by Larry Richman | Jun 20, 2015
Over the years, the Church has made some great videos about dads. LDS Daily has a list of favorite Mormon commercials about dads. LDS Media has posted many Father’s Day videos. The Mormon Channel has a Father’s Day playlist on...
by Larry Richman | Jun 14, 2014
Happy #FathersDay to all you great fathers out there! Every child deserves a Mom and Dad.
by Larry Richman | Jun 15, 2013
This nondenominational video celebrates a father’s influence in a child’s life and invites us to “remember the men who’ve taught you what it takes to be a good father.” Father’s Day is celebrated this Sunday, June 16, 2013, in the...
by David Nielson | Jun 18, 2009
This special Father’s Day Mormon Messages video is one of my personal favorites. We encourage you to watch, rate, and comment on this video and then share it with your family and friends. If you have a Facebook page or blog, we greatly appreciate you posting...