by Larry Richman | Feb 27, 2023
Do you know how to use bookmarks in the Gospel Library mobile app? You can use bookmarks to keep track of your current reading, interesting articles, or favorite chapters you want to come back to. When you’re on a chapter you want to bookmark, tap the bookmarks button...
by Larry Richman | Feb 15, 2023
Do you know how to access related content in the Gospel Library mobile app? There are a few tools available to help you study when you’re in a chapter or article. We’ll use Alma 37 as an example. First, navigate to Alma 37. Throughout the chapter, words with footnotes...
by Larry Richman | Jan 24, 2023
Do you know how to use multiple screens in the Gospel Library mobile app? If you want to have multiple sections of the app open at the same time, you can use screens. Screens are similar to tabs in a web browser. Tap the screens button in the bottom bar. The screens...
by Larry Richman | Jan 16, 2023
The main screen of the Gospel Library app used to show many tiles with categories of content. Now, the home screen is a list of quick links and study tools. Where did the categories go and can I customize the home screen? Home Screen The Gospel Library home screen now...
by Larry Richman | Dec 26, 2022
The Church’s Gospel Library app is now available on GabbWireless. Gabb phones are safe phones you can get for your kids. The Church’s Book of Mormon app is available also. Last week, we featured the video “Social Media is Destroying Your Kids” with advice...
by Larry Richman | Dec 12, 2022
Do you know all the ways to mark content in the Gospel Library mobile app? Long-pressing text in a chapter will select the text and bring up the annotation menu. The first button on the annotation menu is Mark, which allows you to highlight or underline the selected...
by Larry Richman | Nov 16, 2022
This article explains how to download a PDF of a Church magazine, a manual, or some other Church publication from the Gospel Library online. Why would you want a PDF rather than just read the publication online? Graphic layout. For example, the printed magazines come...
by Larry Richman | Nov 1, 2022
Do you know all the ways to navigate within the Gospel Library mobile app? The two main sections of Gospel Library are Home and Library. Home The Home section of Gospel Library provides quick links to common resources, like the current Come, Follow Me lesson and the...
by Larry Richman | Oct 25, 2022
Do you know how to use the custom collections feature of the Gospel Library mobile app? If there are publications you access frequently and you don’t want to spend a lot of time looking for them, you can add them to a custom collection. To create a custom collection,...
by Larry Richman | Oct 18, 2022
Do you know how to use the advanced search features of the Gospel Library mobile app? These search tools can help you find what you’re looking for very quickly. Using Search Sometimes you don’t know where to find something in the app. At the bottom of the...
by Larry Richman | Jul 29, 2022
The Church has improved the search function in the Gospel Library to help you find more quickly and precisely the content you seek. Searches All Content The Gospel Library app previously searched only downloaded content, but now it searches all Gospel Library content....
by Larry Richman | Nov 8, 2021
The latest major update to the Gospel Library app has significant new features that make it easier to find inspiration through regular gospel study and to receive and record revelation. The Gospel Library is available for Apple iOS, Android, and Windows platforms, as...
by Larry Richman | Jul 29, 2021
The Gospel Library now has a section especially for children. The new Children section is found under Audiences on Gospel Library, whether you access it online or using the app. The children’s collection gives children the power to take responsibility for their own...
by Larry Richman | Jun 9, 2021
Did you know that the Gospel Library app is also available online? The online version, available at, has almost all the same content as the Gospel Library app and has most of the study tools. If you’re like me, you appreciate doing...
by Larry Richman | Apr 3, 2021
An Easter #StartingToday study plan is available in the Gospel Library app. It provides a daily devotional about the life and Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The study plan is based on the Church’s #StartingToday Easter initiative, which provides daily ideas to...