
Disability Specialists

A bishopric or stake presidency may call a ward or stake disability specialist to help individuals and families who have disabilities or who are caregivers of those with disabilities (see General Handbook, The disability specialist helps members with disabilities participate more and feel included in the Church. To learn more, see My Calling as a Ward Disability Specialist.

Disability Activity Program

When the needs of members with disabilities cannot be met within a ward, multistake activities may be organized (see General Handbook, Disability activity programs are organized to help participants develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually (see Luke 2:52).

Adult members may be called as disability activity leaders. They plan and carry out the disability activity program. They consult with ward and stake disability specialists to invite members with disabilities to participate. They counsel together about how to meet the needs of members. The new disability activity leader calling is now available in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) as a standard calling at the ward and stake level under the section Other Callings > Employment and Welfare.


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