by Larry Richman | Aug 13, 2024
The Church has published the video “Peace Through Prayer” as part of the Growing Faith series on the Gospel for Kids YouTube channel. This video helps kids learn how to turn to prayer during difficult times. The video is available on the English, French,...
by Larry Richman | Nov 1, 2023
The Church has created a new YouTube channel called “Inspiration from The Church of Jesus Christ,” where you can find: Churchwide events such as worldwide devotionals, Friend to Friend events, Christmas and Easter events, and past Face to Face events....
by Larry Richman | Nov 10, 2022
FamilySearch has announced a series of Facebook and YouTube live events leading up to RootsTech 2023—the world’s largest genealogy conference (March 2–4, 2023). Get insider insights and ask questions live to the RootsTech Team. This series of monthly interactive...
by Larry Richman | Nov 1, 2021
The Church has released a YouTube channel designed specifically for children called Gospel for Kids. The Gospel for Kids YouTube channel will regularly share sing-along videos, “Come Draw With Me” videos, broadcasts, and stories from prophets and apostles. The YouTube...
by Larry Richman | Nov 3, 2016
3 Mormons is a fun talk show on YouTube that has a new episode each Friday. It is decidedly millennial in style and content, and is hosted by Ian James Forsyth, 22, Shelley Elizabeth Williams, 21, and Kwaku El, 20. The goal of the show is to start Mormon conversations...
by Larry Richman | Dec 2, 2015
Last Christmas, as part of the #ShareTheGift initiative, we witnessed one of the largest YouTube collaborations in history. LDS YouTube creators gathered in Provo, Utah, to break the world record for the largest live nativity. A video of the event was watched nearly...
by Larry Richman | Nov 10, 2015
Millions of people are on YouTube daily. As you watch LDS videos and share them, you will be helping the videos be seen by more people on YouTube and other video search engines. People will be touched by your comments and the things they feel while enjoying...
by Larry Richman | Nov 6, 2015
The movie Meet the Mormons is now available to watch for free on YouTube for a limited time! The official, full-length version of the movie is available on YouTube for a limited time in the following languages: Armenian, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Danish*, Dutch*, English,...
by Larry Richman | Mar 26, 2015
If you let your kids on YouTube without thinking twice, it’s time to start thinking twice. Yahoo Tech has published a list of “10 Ways to Make YouTube Safer for Your Kids.” Also consider the new YouTube Kids mobile app with parental controls. ...
by Larry Richman | Feb 25, 2015
Do your children love YouTube, but you worry about the suggested and sponsored videos that they will see? Now Google has an app for that. The YouTube Kids mobile app is basically a “clean” version of with access to only family-friendly videos...
by Larry Richman | Feb 14, 2015
A dedicated member missionary, Jolie Hales, has created videos to help people understand questions about the Church. Her YouTube channel What Mormons Believe has 18 videos with over half a million views and over 4,500 subscribers since it started in 2012. She makes...
by Larry Richman | Dec 3, 2013
The Touchstorm Video Index list of the “YouTube 5,000” includes channels that have at least 43 million views. Touchstorm says only 74 of those 5,000 are brands, and it ranked the Mormon Channel #52 out of those 74 brands. The Mormon Channel...
by Larry Richman | Nov 9, 2013
A year ago, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir launched their YouTube channel at Since then, the channel has logged 5 million views. If you haven’t subscribed to the channel, then you’re missing out on great music videos, playlists,...
by Larry Richman | Apr 29, 2013
Did you know you can make money with videos on YouTube? Several Utah YouTubers (called Utubers) have quit their day jobs and are living off their online success. Utah is the #3 location in the world for YouTube celebrities, just behind Hollywood and London....
by Larry Richman | Feb 26, 2013
For the first time, the Orchestra at Temple Square has posted a full-length concert online. The concert, A Night in Vienna: Orchestra at Temple Square, was performed on October 26-27, 2012 in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. The concert features the music of Haydn,...